Few possessions stir up emotional turbulence more than the home. It’s not just four walls and shelter. For most, it’s also a large investment of money […]
Your children can be happy this Christmas even if you are divorcing. When we hear the words “Christmas Story” most people think of either the birth […]
You don't want to talk settlement when not at your best. "Fight or flight" mode shuts down the areas of your brain that run your critical thinking operations. Here's a tool to in-the-moment help you know when you're operating from your best brain.
COVID19 has been a disruptor. But some things were worth disrupting and we didn't even know it. What's worth keeping once COVID19 has gone? Learn more here.
Marriage Story was nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars this year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHi-a1n8t7M. If you are considering a divorce, it should be required watching. The depiction of […]