Your children can be happy this Christmas even if you are divorcing. When we hear the words “Christmas Story” most people think of either the birth […]
If you are divorced, or facing separation and divorce this season, I want to suggest that YOU are writing your children's Christmas Story this year. You are helping to shape their memories and impressions of the year they were, 6 or 9 or 12. What will your children's story be?
Resiliency or the ability to bounce back can help you survive the "most wonderful time of the year" when the holidays occur during your divorce or custody hearings.
Christmas in the midst of divorce or its recovery is just hard. No denying it. This holiday–which is all about family and traditions–can thrust broken dreams […]
Broken and More Beautiful in the New Year The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong in the broken places. – Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell […]
I’m in Idaho with family. Mother. Sister. Stepson, his wife and seven–you read it right–seven children! Uneventful travel, last minute gift orders on Amazon and Dutch […]
It’s Halloween. We should be well and truly afraid today–of the dark and witches and sugar overload! On a transatlantic flight last month, I watched the […]
Thanksgiving is over and you just wrote the story of the experience your children just lived. When they look back as adults, what will they remember? […]