Berecz & Associates, PLC
The attorneys and legal assistants at Berecz & Associates PLC have been on your side of divorce lawyer’s desk or gone through their parents’ divorce. None of us planned to be there. All of us were terrified at some point. So much is at stake. What’s going to happen with the kids? How am I going to come out of this financially? Who will keep the home?
We do it differently here. We work with clients to craft creative solutions that work and stand the test of time. Our goal is to ensure that clients have a relationship and financial peace. We are committed to employing the right process for the need: Litigate when necessary, mediate or collaborate when appropriate. But always focused on solving problems and preserving family relationships.

Some of us got great advice during our divorces. Some of us weren’t so fortunate. Some of us have co-parented with a former spouse or been co-parented during childhood in “mom’s house/dad’s house.” We get it.
And those experiences have contributed to our mutual and strong commitment to serving families. Across the lifespan, our continuum of care starts with providing prenuptial agreements before marriage, assisting in adoptions, supporting, and representing families through divorce, and handling elder law/lifespan concerns.
Regardless of the point at which we may assist you and your family along this continuum of care, we do it differently around here. You want a lawyer who doesn’t take over your life, assuming you checked your intellect at the door. You want a lawyer who partners with you and who fully understands your unique needs and explains all available options so together you can make informed decisions. And lawyers who have a depth of wisdom and experience and can give you wise counsel. That’s how we do it around here. We believe that you, the person most affected by legal decisions, ought to be at the table when those decisions are made!
Deborah Bennett Berecz
Deborah assists clients in Family Mediation or the Collaborative Process as they transition through a divorce with integrity, dignity, and respect. She also mediates lifespan law issues and takes great joy in representing birth and adoptive parents as they create a family through adoption.
Gabriella Reihanian Havlicek
Gabriella skillfully guides our litigation clients through the traditional divorce process. She never loses sight of the goal: a reasonable settlement if it can be negotiated while fully preparing for court if not. In addition, Gabriella is a trained mediator and assists clients who want to work together to achieve a lasting resolution.