Children have their own adjustment to divorce. Parents in the middle of their own upheaval often feel ill-equipped to effectively guide their kids too. Reading helps. […]
A personal message after the death of my dad Monday, December 19, 2016. Earlier this month, I participated in a presentation addressing, “What to do when your […]
Thanksgiving is over and you just wrote the story of the experience your children just lived. When they look back as adults, what will they remember? […]
Yesterday my uncle was buried. Two of his three children were at the funeral. The third? Apparently my uncle’s former wife had threatened their now grown daughter […]
Cat Davis is a wonderful presenter on NVC (Nonviolent Communication) principles. I wanted to alert you to an opportunity to hear from her. I’ve had to […]
I had breakfast yesterday with a group of women. One of them brought a unique wedding invitation she’d just received. The RSVP was an interactive reply […]