April 29, 2020

Marriage Story Hopefully Won’t Be Your Divorce Story

Marriage Story was nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars this year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHi-a1n8t7M. If you are considering a divorce, it should be required watching. The depiction of […]
March 31, 2020

First 5s—Tips to Immunize your Marriage Against Coronavirus

COVID-19 has already resulted in numerous causalities. Even the best of marriages can be strained by social isolation and 24/7 togetherness. Those which previously experienced symptoms […]
December 11, 2019

1st Fives-“Will you marry me…and sign a prenupt?”

According to Brides.com, December is the most popular month to get engaged.  While few proposals include a request to sign a prenuptial agreement, perhaps considering it should […]
November 26, 2019

Resiliency–developing the tools to “bounce back” with thanks to the Krasl Art Center.

Resiliency or the ability to bounce back can help you survive the "most wonderful time of the year" when the holidays occur during your divorce or custody hearings.