Marriage Story was nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars this year. If you are considering a divorce, it should be required watching. The depiction of […]
COVID-19 has already resulted in numerous causalities. Even the best of marriages can be strained by social isolation and 24/7 togetherness. Those which previously experienced symptoms […]
According to, December is the most popular month to get engaged. While few proposals include a request to sign a prenuptial agreement, perhaps considering it should […]
Resiliency or the ability to bounce back can help you survive the "most wonderful time of the year" when the holidays occur during your divorce or custody hearings.
Thirty-nine years ago to the day I started writing in an ugly, plain, spiral-bound notebook, I stumbled upon it while cleaning out some papers under my bed. My journal from my […]
Even if together you have sufficient resources to cover expenses and then some, thinking about money post-divorce is a scary prospect for most people. Fortunately, there […]
We are a competitive bunch. In school, on the basketball court, even online as we compete for likes and pins. Competitions are about winning and losing […]