March 28, 2022

Take a Look and Use Your Best Brain

You don't want to talk settlement when not at your best. "Fight or flight" mode shuts down the areas of your brain that run your critical thinking operations. Here's a tool to in-the-moment help you know when you're operating from your best brain.
October 27, 2020

How to Deal with Change in Seasons and Life

We expect a change four times every year. Either the warming temperatures of Spring provide the promise of the coming Summer or the dropping leaves of […]
September 30, 2020

What Being Lost in the Woods Taught Me

With the right tools, it's possible to find your way through the woods even if you're lost. And with the right tools, you can get on the right path through the divorce process.
March 31, 2020

First 5s—Tips to Immunize your Marriage Against Coronavirus

COVID-19 has already resulted in numerous causalities. Even the best of marriages can be strained by social isolation and 24/7 togetherness. Those which previously experienced symptoms […]