A personal message after the death of my dad Monday, December 19, 2016. Earlier this month, I participated in a presentation addressing, “What to do when your […]
Thanksgiving is over and you just wrote the story of the experience your children just lived. When they look back as adults, what will they remember? […]
“Life wasn’t about avoiding suffering.” “Human relationality forms the bedrock of meaning.” These are just a couple of quotes from a profound book by a Yale […]
Yesterday my uncle was buried. Two of his three children were at the funeral. The third? Apparently my uncle’s former wife had threatened their now grown daughter […]
Recently our team took a one day retreat to reflect on our purpose and goals for the upcoming year. Facilitated by the skilled Katherine Eitel Belt (www.katherineeitel.com), […]
Sandra[1] was nervous. A “family meeting” had been called by her older sister who had the lion’s share of responsibility for helping their 84-year-old father stay […]