Children have their own adjustment to divorce. Parents in the middle of their own upheaval often feel ill-equipped to effectively guide their kids too. Reading helps. […]
A personal message after the death of my dad Monday, December 19, 2016. Earlier this month, I participated in a presentation addressing, “What to do when your […]
The office calendar said our team meeting had been bumped by a mediation session. What? We take monthly team meetings pretty seriously around here. It’s not […]
Sandra[1] was nervous. A “family meeting” had been called by her older sister who had the lion’s share of responsibility for helping their 84-year-old father stay […]
I attended a collaborative practice group meeting today whose members are charged with ensuring the highest quality of service in our locale. An idea had been uploading […]
March Madness, like a recent mediation session, is over. At the conclusion of a mediation or collaborative process, when the agreement has been crafted and tweaked […]
Children have their own adjustment to divorce. Parents in the middle of their own upheaval often feel ill-equipped to effectively guide their kids too. Reading helps. […]
A personal message after the death of my dad Monday, December 19, 2016. Earlier this month, I participated in a presentation addressing, “What to do when your […]
The office calendar said our team meeting had been bumped by a mediation session. What? We take monthly team meetings pretty seriously around here. It’s not […]
Sandra[1] was nervous. A “family meeting” had been called by her older sister who had the lion’s share of responsibility for helping their 84-year-old father stay […]
I attended a collaborative practice group meeting today whose members are charged with ensuring the highest quality of service in our locale. An idea had been uploading […]
March Madness, like a recent mediation session, is over. At the conclusion of a mediation or collaborative process, when the agreement has been crafted and tweaked […]