Get Angry. (I know…not my usual message)
April 29, 2015The Uniform Collaborative Law Act
June 25, 2015No sooner had Kim married Kanye but divorce rumors were already flying. Will it last? How long? By the way, her last marriage to Kris Humphries lasted exactly 72 days!
Who knows? Perhaps she married Kris with every intention of “til death us do part” but check this: Within seven months of their first date they were engaged. Their engagement lasted about three months. The wedding spectacle cost other people $20M (donations and sponsors) and the couple were paid $17.9M for their participation in the spectacle.
BUT their divorce took nearly 18 months (more than seven times longer the length of their marriage) and they likely spent upwards of $400,000 on lawyers. The waste of court time and the cost to taxpayers who were denied justice while Kim and Kris created media attention cannot be overstated.
The reality is, the end of Kim and Kris’s dalliance didn’t have to cost taxpayers a penny: The couple executed a prenuptial agreement. It could have been fairly straight-forward, dignified and respectful.
People often don’t know that other methods, like collaborative law or mediation exist. And sometimes attorneys are often just entrenched in the model of costly (and profitable) adversarial litigation and keep a litigated case going as long as it takes to drain every asset.
BERECZ & ASSOCIATES, PLC is committed to providing rational and efficient litigation services and offering wherever appropriate, collaborative and mediation options. Why? Your kids, extended family, and your own peace-of-mind deserve something other than a “scorched earth” approach. Most people want a happier, more peace-filled future. That’s why they are seeking a divorce. Meghan and I maintain a laser focus on that goal and guide you through the complexities that can accompany even an average divorce.
We hope your marriage is stronger than Kim and Kris’ and weathers the storms of life. But if you find yourself contemplating a divorce, give us a call to explore your options for creating a rational, reasonable settlement which avoids Kardashian-like drama and sets you up for creating a happy future.
Wishing you wisdom,
PS. And don’t forget our annual Gloria’s Gift Program, offered every year during Spring. My friend, Gloria “Gay” Hippler, through her death a year ago, gave me great personal insight into the power of a Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare (“HCPOA). You can read the details at So Berecz & Associates, PLC will provide a HCPOA at no cost to anyone who requests Gloria’s Gift. Call either of our locations and make your request before Summer is upon us on June 1 and the offer ends until next year. In the Grand Rapids area, call 616.466.4131. In the St. Joseph area, call 269.428.3447.